Friday, August 29, 2014

Understanding Natural Hair

I recently read an internet blog about things that naturals should do. When I first read it, I immediately thought, the writer must not be natural. Why do I think that? Because the writer suggest that naturals need to wash the hair once a week. However, she is a natural. Who would've thought?

First let me say, we wash clothes. We shampoo hair. If we (naturals) shampooed our hair once a week, it would strip our hair of it's natural oils. The writer then says that they make facial expression when they hear that naturals shampoo their hair once 3-4 times a week. NO, our hair is not dirty for a month, as we co-wash with conditioner. It's called co-washing and it still cleanses our hair but using conditioner instead of shampoo keeps our hair soft, moisturized and does not strip it's natural oil. We can co-wash our hair 1-2 times a week.

The writer suggest that naturals should wash their bonnet. Whether you are natural or relaxed, a clean satin/silk bonnet and pillowcase is essential to avoid hair breakage. That's a no brainer.

Next, the writer said that naturals need to clean your hair products. She showed a picture with hair in a product. I agree, that's nasty but I don't know anyone that has hair balls in their products. No one moisturizes or saves balls of hair in their product. Some do save the hair that has come out during detangling in a plastic ziplock bag to do patch/strand test, if they decide to color (not dye) their hair.

I'm not sure what blogs, social media pages or pictures, she has seen but I think most naturals take care of their hair the best they can. Of course, with proper education and a regimen, they can grow and maintain healthy hair. Organic Hair & Health Spa specializes in natural hair, offers private one on one consultations, educates you on at home maintenance in between salon appointment and has mobile service. Call Organic to schedule an appointment at 443-631-0616.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of how naturals take care of their hair. We Shampoo, Condition, Deep Condition with a Moisturizer or Protein Treatment, and Seal in the Moisture before styling our hair. At night, we sleep with a clean silk bonnet on a satin pillowcase, like relaxed hair should. Being natural just takes more time to style your hair but I wouldn't trade my natural hair for anything. I've been natural for over 20 years and I love it.


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