Monday, August 22, 2011

COUPONING Class for Beginners

After watching TLC's Extreme Couponing, you are now excited about saving money on household essentials for your family. You have gone to some of the local stores and supermarkets to buy some items and wish you could shop like some of the frugal shoppers on the show. "Coupon Divah" will teach you couponing basics to get you started. I will give away (FREE) a loaded Coupon Binder, as seen on Extreme Couponing, which will be filled with pre-cut and ready to use coupons. Are you excited? Could you use the binder or know some one that could?
How to Enter into the Giveaway(s)?
  1. Register for our "Beginners Couponing Class"
(Register via Paypal ( Your Paypal receipt is your ticket.
. *Your name MUSTbe on the paypal receipt under notes/comments

2. "Like" this post and list at least one registered guest, who will be attending the class with you

($50 Giftcard Giveaway to the person who refers the most friends)

3. Email me at and list five (5) of your favorite products.

The WINNERS will receive their gift at the class. September 10th, 1pm.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This is another test post. I am so excited about my future. Have you ever sat back and evaluated your life? You are looking at the good, the bad and the ugly. And then BOOM.... You realize just how blessed you have been. God has brought us through many storms and still we don't just say a simple, Thank You. Lord, I thank you for the lessons and the blessings. Thank you for closing doors and opening doors that no man can ever shut or open. Amen

Never Give Up

Everyone has been telling me to start a blogger. Well, I started it but now I gotta learn how to work it. The important lesson of it is, I "Never Give Up". Thank you for your understanding. ~DIVAH

Monday, July 18, 2011

Leaving Corporate America to raise my Children

Being a mother of tweens/teens is very demanding. It has been such a joy, seeing them go through different stages of life. 

As a CEO, I've had the opportunity to be active in their school and in the community. When I first decided to step out on Faith and start my business no one understood why it was so important to me.

I simply wanted to be an active engaged parent. When they went to school, they had no idea if I would show up or not so they were on their best behavior, at all times.

Many times, I would pop up and scrub all the desk down. Not just where my children sat but the entire classroom. Why? Germs & Bacteria cause diseases. I wanted them all to be in a clean environment. 

Some times I would bring prepackaged snacks or pizza, so that the students could have down time in the classroom, bond with one another and the teachers could take a break. 

My previous work schedule allowed me to visit 2-4 times per week during their elementary years. Since, I hired myself, I was able to visit more often in their middle school and high school years. 

You would think they would be embarrassed by the visits, but they actually looked forward to it. They would tell me how my presence affected the teachers tone. If I was there, they would vibrate higher and be extra nice to the children. When I was not, some wound get too relaxed. 

Overall, it was a wonderful experience for everyone. I would encourage everyone to visit their child/children school (s) on their days off and see the school system through your childs eyes. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Who is "DIVAH?

A God-fearing woman, mother, activist, entrepreneur, mentor, life coach, survivor, motivation speaker, friend, sister , background vocalist, personal assistant, booking agent for many artist.

~The Divahs Club, Inc. , Co-Founder
~Artist Manager
~Gifted Artist Booking Agent
~Personal Assistant to Artist
~Private Investigator

Rhonda M. Moore was born in Towson, Maryland. She is the daughter of Clarence Moore, one of the lead singers in Baltimore's own Gospel Revelators and Denise Moore a Registered Nurse for over 30 years. Rhonda has three brothers (Darryl, Tony Kurtis and James)and two sisters (Aletha and Tracey). She is the neice of Music Producer and Gospel Artist Apostle Timothy Moore. Her brother, TK a Music Producer, Songwriter and Artist. Being apart of a musical talented family and in ministry, Rhonda began singing at an early age at Mount Pleasant Baptist Church on the youth choir as a Soprano/Mezzo- Soprano. She has sang background vocals for National Artist Duo, 5AM Praise and former member of Aktiv Gospel Chorale.

In 1990, Rhonda received a certificate in youth counseling and a Citizenship Award for her community service. A few years later, she began fashion modeling and produced her first Fashion Show at Friendship Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland, with the help of her sponsors at East Point Mall.

In 1994, she received an award for consecutive years of fashion modeling. She also designed two gowns during prom season. Modeling was exciting and fun, so to further her success , she decided to go to cosmetology school. Upon completion, she had the knowledge and skills of how to market herself. She was now a Fashion Model, Fashion Show Producer and Cosmetologist.

While modeling, Rhonda began working in the dietary department at a hospital in Towson,Maryland and on her days off, she would volunteer in the Social Work department as an assistant. The experience and knowledge gained motivated her to enroll in college. During her internship at Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), she received her confirmation that her calling was to work with the youth. After completing her internship, working with at-risk youth in the Park Heights community, she decided to take nursing class. Rhonda graduated from Sojourner Douglas College and continued to work in the hospital and mentor the youth. She had been working in the medical field for thirteen years before she decided to step out on faith and follow her vision.

In March 2005, She was praying for direction on how she could help the youth in the community. God Answered: “Minister to the youth, teach them to live a Godly life, train the young ladies how to be Titus 2 women and exhibit characteristics of the Woman of Proverbs 31!” She was so excited about her new assignment that she decided to work Part time at the hospital and Full Time for the Lord. With the power of prayer and God’s incredible grace the development of The Divahs Club began.

Co-Founding the Divahs Club (God is the head.) was just the beginning for Rhonda. She has her own Fashion line, "Demure Fashions" and personal staff. Her servant heart afforded her the opportunity to work with many seasoned and rising artist. Rhonda has been working as GMoney of Gearni Money Entertainment, Personal Assistant for nearly 7 years. GMoney saw his same spirit in Rhonda, when they met. He loved her personality, business mind, her swag and her hustler's mentality. She would travel far and near to assist him where needed never asking for a dime. Gearni gave her the same opportunity that LL Cool J, DJ Cut Creator and Doug E. Fresh gave him. She now assist him in working with Doug E. Fresh, Red Grant, Mickey Picasso, and other artist. He saw her love for Hip Hop and her desire to work hard to achieve her goals and dreams. In addition to being GMoney Personal Assistant, she is now managing comedians, artist , authors, official booking agent for artist and taking her DIVAH BOUTIQUE to the next level.

To Book an Artist or Schedule a consultation contact 443-631-0616 or